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Further Details
Screen Acting Classes.
What will I learn?All of the studio classes are practical- giving students as much opportunity to be on camera as possible. ​Our students learn how to operate within the industry, as well as prepare for meeting and castings. All of our students are well prepared for the reality of working in a very technical industry, yet still maintain their individuality. Our students are constantly working with the best coaches and meeting the best casting directors, actors, agents and directors.
​How Do I Join?Selection is made following a meeting / Zoom meeting, with one of our directors. No previous experience is required, but a willingness to learn and self-discipline are essential. If you are accepted on the course, you will be eligible to apply for Spotlight and representation from our own agency, once you are able to demonstrate your ability to cope with the demands of NOT ONLY working an actor, but also the ability to prepare for and perform well in castings and self-taping. This usually takes no longer than 6-9 months.
How much does it cost for me to train?There are 3 terms in a year and each term costs £550.00. There are 10 X 3 Hour sessions/classes per term, on r a Saturday. The total cost for 3 terms is £1,650.00, if you pay termly, or a 10% discount, if you pay for the full year, prior to the start of the first term.
Are there any 'hidden' costs?Quite simply, "No!" We charge for the training. As part of the training, anything that you would need in class, is provided. If you joined Spotlight- that is a separate organisation and there would be a cost for that (see later FAQ's). If you wanted professional photos, we could help you choose a good photographer, that is not expensive.
What is Spotlight?Spotlight is the leading industry database, which agents, actors and casting directors use. It allows actors to be visible to the industry, to be matched with potential work, and for actors to see and apply for roles that are advertised, for work in Film, TV, Theatre, Radio, commercials and light entertainment. It is not compulsory! It is something that requires an annual membership fee to be paid, but monthly instalments can be arranged after the first 12 months. You cannot just apply for Spotlight membership, without having demonstrated that you have received an authentic training.
How much does Spotlight Cost?Spotlight costs approximately £200.00 per year performers (18+ years). It is renewable annually. You are able to make monthly payments, via direct debit. Totally Lit would NOT be paying Spotlight fees. This is an additional service, provided separately, by The Spotlight.
What chance is there of me getting work as an actor?Every student that is accepted onto the course has a realistic chance of working. Part of the course is preparing you for every possible situation on set, part of it is to do with preparing for a casting, but mostly, it's to do with each individual actor understanding the industry, what they have to offer the industry and producing a high standard of work, which will make it easier for casting directors and agents to favour them, over other actors.
How do I get work as an actor?Firstly, you are going to need to understand how the industry works and if you are over the age of 16, it is slightly less complicated. Under 16, you will need permission of your local education authority, to be able to work. That means that your attendance at school needs to be reasonably good, or there needs to be justifiable absences. If you're under 18, you can't train, or be represented without the permission of a parent, or carer, therefore, you need to understand that the responsible adult in your life needs to be included in your decision making and in any correspondence with us. There will come a time, quite quickly into your first term, when your industry knowledge will be far superior to that of the adults in your life, but we will always encourage you to accept that 'knowledge of life', trumps 'knowledge of the industry', when it comes to keeping you safe and happy-long term. We are there to support the adults as well as the students!
Do you have an agency?We are registered on Spotlight as a specialist school, training actors and preparing them for a career in Film and TV. As a registered school, we are able to offer Spotlight membership and agency representation to all students who have demonstrated their ability to operate proficiently and professionally, in all of the key areas of on set working, audition preparation and displaying a disciplined work ethic. Once registered, we will attempt to represent each student, by actively seeking acting opportunities for them and representing them in negotiation and supporting them whilst working. We do, however, have a number of students already represented by full-time agents. For those students, we offer full support to them, with preparation for auditions and self-tapes, ensuring that they are representing their agency, to the best of their ability. We do not look to recruit from existing agents- rather we look to move the students that we represent to more established agencies, with experienced, specialised staff.
How can I be sure that the classes would suit me?It is vitally important that we put the right people in the room. We only take people that we genuinely believe that we can help. We do not accept anyone, without first having met them (and their parents/carers, if under 18 years). There are only a limited number of places each term, therefore, we have to ensure that recruitment is done well. We would always insist on a meeting, usually over Zoom. No one under 18 can apply without the consent of their carer/parent.
What percentage of students go on to be actors?They may to all be working, all of the time, but we have a pretty good success rate, when it comes to people completing the course and then being represented/working. At least 90% of our students enter the industry. That's at least 18/20, in each class. Those that don't usually return to us, following HE courses at University and pick up where they left off.
What if I have never acted before?You wouldn't be unique. Although those who have trained do have a good level of understanding of 'structure' and 'process', it doesn't take long to get someone with little industry knowledge, or experience up to speed. What matters most is a desire and an ability to learn. People rarely become serious about wanting to try screen acting, without good reason. They can feel like they are being drawn to it.
How can you help me get more castings for Film and TV?In many cases, the biggest stumbling block for actors not getting opportunities is the way that they present themselves to the decision makers (casting directors/agents). Industry knowledge is key and so is a greater understanding of just what it is that you are offering the industry. It also goes without saying, that you have to look like you know what you're doing. There's not one simple answer, but the answers are usually quite simple. Why not have a chat with us to discuss your case?
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